The man who looks for security, even in the mind, is like a man who would chop off his limbs in order to have artificial ones which will give him no pain or trouble. -Henry Miller
If there were something I wish for all to know today is that the last thing you should do is is to be taken by change to change.
Change is inevitable, that is understood and accepted... security however is not guaranteed, and the instability of life should be embraced and accepted. A change may be a choice you make which may provide a sense of security in your life which may change who you are, and these are changes not worth making... much like removing your limbs in exchange for artificial ones, there is a chance, you will lose options, lose your versatility and in the end, change your heart for the sake of change.
Never give up who you are... any part of who you are... and never change any part of you to grow up, or to be secure, or to "do the right thing". Much like we were never given the choice of when we spoke our first words, or when we could walk our first steps, let growing up be a natural process... and allow responsibilities to come as you are prepared for them. Don't find yourself scrambling to learn to catch them... but approach them... and take them as they come.
Remember that through wars, through industrialization, and the coming of a civilized world, the earth has not changed for us. We have forced change upon it, however the river still flows as the bridge is built to cross it. Let earth be the example of the strongest being... when change is forceful, there is no option but conform... it may compress, contract... bend, break... but it recovers the best it can, regardless of the pain it feels. But never for us, will the river cease to flow for our convenience... never will the mountain bow so we can walk... and never will the ocean drain for our travels.
Do not yield to others... do not give in for convenience of others... do not be shaken... and do not change. Have faith that you will take things as they come... and not adapt to things which you're not ready for... Change is inevitable and choosing change for a false sense of security is like choosing to sever all options.
Never forget how fun it is to adventure... never forget that in the end, we will find the way... and never forget that if our heart beats... and our mind thinks... we are alive... we still have options... embrace life... and strive to get what you want as opposed to conform... It is your life... reach to get what you deserve... settle for no less. Remember, changing for what you want... or what you believe in is far better than conforming... surrendering... subduing... or changing for something that's convenient.