Monday, February 27, 2006

62 Remaining.

The names we used to know... the people we remember, the one's who have left marks in our minds and the cliché "footprints in our hearts"... which seem to vanish from our immediate view; should never vanish from our minds. You would be suprised what it means to me when I see a familiar face... and there are only so many times I can tell you I miss you, or that I wish I could see you more often. How much you want to see them again, how much you wonder where they are now, won't bring them any closer to you... so you need to build that tunnel from you to them. Make the connection; if you remember them, odd's are they were somehow important to your life, and significant in how you've become who you are.

Brick by brick, people in your life are laying down groundwork that shapes you. Walls of influence. And the foundation of your life. Remember who has brought you to where you are, and what it has taken for them to build what has made you who you are. Whether they did it intentionally, you may not know, but appreciate it for what it is. Obviously to touch you took something out of themselves. Piece by piece, of all sizes, you don't realize how much people have contributed until you compare the soil to the hill. Though day by day, people walk by you and may be dropping but a grain, appreciate it as sooner or later it becomes a handful, and then it becomes a pile... to fill the bucket... to build the hill which becomes a mountain.

Thank your friends. Thank your family. Thank everyone who has every thrown a piece themselves into you. Be it criticism or praise. All is constructive in how it builds you. If you remember it, they are worth remembering. Grudges are insignificant so let them go, and realize how that incident has made you stronger; how it has built your wall. Never lose touch, and always help each other improve on your lives. Improve on the structure, and hopefully you will build a community. Together you stand tall, and together you can make things better for everyone. Be the first to make the contact. Be the first to tell someone you need them because before you know it, together you'll have built a fortress, and its hopefully not between each other. I promise you the fortress will be stronger than the hut you build on your own. We are social creatures, embrace it.

Thank you for being a part of my life. Thank you for your presence, physically and mentally. And thanks to serendipity which brings us together. Thanks for the coincidental meetings given to me. Thanks for the opportunity to grasp the thread which I hope to weave into rope to pull us together. And thanks for the inspiration I find to build tunnels to others so I can realize what everyone has given me. Thanks for contributing to who I am. Though this might not mean as much as it should... I miss you, it was great seeing you, and I hope I'll see you again sometime soon. You've made an influence in my life... and I appreciate it. I'm sorry our tunnel is falling apart and the bond from me to you is slowly dissapearing but I promise I'll find it, and I'll give what I can to make the fortress once ours, a castle better than before.

Song of the day:

The Arcade Fire - Neighborhood 1 (Tunnels)

Don't ever just think; well what ever happened to them...

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