Saturday, February 18, 2006

71 Remaining.

Exams are finally over, I havent posted in a while simply due to the fact that I havent had time... lots of "studying" got done... as well as lots of change has occured. I'm having a rough time, but its ok. School is becoming a major thing in my eyes and whether or not thats positive has got me torn. I dont want to be shaken by this institutionalism, but additionally I dont want to be caught by a social safety net when I have no where to turn, so I turn to institutionalized conformity. Then I study, "knowledge is power". We build this fact in our society and then complain about it, our IQ's are no judge of true mental power... only mental power in our state of affairs. I doubt our education makes us superior beings. Anyways, on an entirely different note:

Love is something that when you hold it in your hands, your arms hurt, but when you put it on the ground, your heart hurts... regardless you get hurt. I dont know why but in my current mental state, no matter what I'll do, I will get hurt... and thats the way it is for everyone, the quote is universal, someone always gets hurt. Take care of yourselves before you take care of someone else... or you'll end up hurt the most. Don't jump before you're certain you can take the fall; or of course unless you know someone will catch you. I however, feel like I need to give up with this subject entirely, until I can take care of myself. Remember helpless romantics, take care of yourselves.

Traveling in my mind is becoming a major theme, I dont know where I'll be going, I'm certain I will come back, but I hope for change, a chance for change. Change is a wonderful thing. As much as we see change as something that weighs us down, whether its change in our lives or change in our pockets, we need it to carry on. We need change to get us on the bus, to take us somewhere, and I need change in my life to make me feel like I'm going somewhere. Where that bus takes me, I dont know and have not the desire to care, but I want it to take me soon, and I want it to take me somewhere far... somewhere without this.

Finally, the world's state of affairs. Olympics are an event of union, world peace, world competition and world cooperation, however war is something which is ever present. The world stage is filled with athletes and yet we ignore those who are in the real struggle. In the news the looming picture is those killed in war and of course those killed in political action... useless in the long run, one day i dont want to be fed this political propaganda, one day I want the countries to be in peace, competing simply over medals and athletic feats. One day, I want to see politics where no country fights with another, one day we'll see who's at fault. All of us. No war is glamourous, and for financial gains, its simply uglier. Take a look at the real picture; one person dies in war, not that this is a small thing but it makes top news, think of cancer deaths and youth starvation which never makes the news. Focus on something else...

Today's song is from Yellowcard's new album Lights and Sound regarding world conflict

Yellowcard - Two Weeks from Twenty

Let us realize: "We're all to blame"

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