Saturday, February 11, 2006

78 Remaining.

78 more days. All I need to do is keep it together, right now, its tough... what i thought would be a 6 month wait could suddenly be more, what i've accomplished in 6 months seems like its been lost, and what I wished never to be broken, simply cant be repaired. I'm losing sleep and the recurring dream returns... what do you do when all you ever do is dream of death... in fear you wont wake up, you dont want to sleep. Strangely though... why fear death? Its inevitable, I thought I was over that fear.. but suddenly that dream scares me again. I'm sick as can be right in the middle of midterms, this doesnt make it any better. I dont know whats right at the moment, but I need to keep it together. I need to put education first. I need to study and lastly I'll need to pray. Sadly the higher powers cant help me when I cant help myself. I am my master, and you are yours. Take control of the situation... Overall, the message is, dont take life for granted, do what you can now, as there may not be a tomorrow. But of course in preperation for a tomorrow, make sure it'll be a better one. Don't put off till tomorrow what you can delegate today, as there may not be a tomorrow. Every night before you sleep, ask tell yourself that you may never wakeup... and then ask yourself, what will you regret. What will I regret? Not realizing, there is a chance for tomorrow. What do I want you to do? Make ours better. Work at a tomorrow. What shall I do tomorrow? Study, then pray, pray that what I'm doing is right... I'm going somewhere, and if it's hell, then there better be a legacy.

Song of the day?

Crossfade - Colors

Surely not the best colors that you shine...

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