Monday, April 17, 2006

13 Remaining.

Few hours since my last blog, I've reached another realization. Courage is found in many places, but we need to realize, that courage starts in ourselves.

When no one believes in you, believe in yourself. When you feel like no one can help you help yourself. As much as we like to depend on others... sometimes the only one we can count on is ourselves. Not to say that certain individuals aren't there for you, just sometimes only you can save yourself. Even heaven can't save those who are unwilling to be saved. You make yourself who you are. It doesn't matter how much people put you down, or what society defines as beautiful, smart or perfect. You in yourself are special in your own ways, and the only person you need to please is yourself. If you find you aren't who you want to be, something is wrong, and something needs to change. Courage starts within.

It starts with one thing, just one comment, or one vision, and it grows. It doesn't need to be much... just a little motivation to change, then that motivation builds and gains momentum, then it can't be stopped. The lion's roar is a sound, but backed by the teeth. We're all lions, its whether or not we roar. Do people fear us? We all have the potential, we all have the strength but we on our own need to practice, need to perfect our roar. Maybe then we can scare off criticism. Maybe then we can see ourselves as strong. Maybe then we are the best we can be.

Find the courage to be what we want to be. Sooner or later you'll learn to let go of the bumps in the road and the criticism you've recieved. The things that are important are within us. Sometimes it takes courage to drop certain things, to erase the past, to build the future. But a wall you've broken down to rebuild is often stronger when completed. If what you've previously been living has been a lie, breaking this down can only be a positive.

Seek not the courage in others, courage is within, and from others it will find you. Kind words are nice but word's arent hands to hold onto, take the hands when offered because they aren't afraid you'll pull them down, but realize as well, these are the hands of support, you don't need them; they're just nice to have around. You're strong. We all carry the same brain, the same mental capacity and therefore the same strength. The sun shines regardless, our life is meant to impact others, do not be shaken or your influence is lost in the vibrations of life. Make the biggest impact you can, hit and stop being hit. Tuck emotion under the rug and be all you can be and don't look back, I promise, we won't stir up the past, as it is forgotten.

Song of the day:

Audioslave - Doesn't Remind Me

Bend and shape me I love the way you are

1 comment:

Kody said...

Wow- talk about a pep talk. I read every word. Thanks!