Sunday, January 28, 2007

All glory comes from daring to begin.

Eugene F. Ware stated that "All glory comes from daring to begin." With this statement he introduces the fact of life; should we never jump, we will never truly know how high we are... whether we'll be caught, whether we'll fall... whether we'll crash... or land on our feet.

With the new year, we wish for things to be renewed, for things to begin anew. But as ignorance would hope to give us forgiveness and the ability to forget... the past fails to be left in the past as it creeps and seeps into the future. As the years crossover in the continuim of life, to prevent the past from repeating in the future, we must take the first leap in preventing the replication, duplication and continuation of pain, suffering and failure.

With this leap... we take great risk, and with this risk comes the potential for great return. For the achievement of glory and discovery of success... it all begins with one step. As no lottery can be won without the purchase of a ticket, often the small losses in relation to the big picture may be negligable... without taking the chance, without making the sacrifices we may never know what riches life has to offer.

Greatness is not what we achieve, but what we overcome. Often it's the strength to overcome with gives us greatness and much satisfaction. The shock from the landing which our body takes from the leap, is not what our knees cannot handle. The surprise of success or failure is often what the mind cannot withstand... it is the result of the jump and the judgment of its value which justifies whether or not the jump was worthwhile. No gain comes lacking sacrifice, and sacrifice may come with multiple jumps... multiple shocks and much pain before our mind finds that state of euphoria. "I never said it would be easy, I said it would be worth it. -A. Williams"

In this new year, now almost one month in. Recognize that time is something which society has placed restraints on. Nothing bars you from jumping out of the plane you rode last year... nothing denies you the ability to ammend problems of the past. Living in the past is different from living from the past. As the past builds the foundation for the future, it may teach us wonders. Never forget the past... but dwell not upon it. Take the leaps which you fear... maybe the outcome will surprise you... no good comes without sacrifice... and sometimes... sacrifice is recognized... experience is developed... and then success is inevitable. Live life as a continium letting it be the road you travel... constraints such as time... deadlines... and the past be bumps in the road... they are what you make of them. Dare to begin... and seek glory at every oppertunity.

1 comment:

makiono said...

Greatness is not what we achieve, but what we overcome. <- my favorite line. good post, thx.