Saturday, February 10, 2007


It is often we look to the night sky to see nothing but darkness... stars washed out by the city lights and the cloud cover denying us the vision of glimmering points of hope and strength. With stars a symbol of hope... wishes... dreams... they are rarely seen... as they are also rarely attained. Often they are lost amongst that which shines brighter, our obvious priorities, our daily lights sometimes blinding us from what lies beneath... that lonely desire, lonely aspiration.

We ourselves often shine... only to be washed out by other lights... recognized as "the stars" rather than the individual. When the skies are clear, we all are seen as "the stars", but what seperates you from the next is within and far away. As our sun is just one star... a world depends on it. This is your life, your world depends on your light, the light you cast... and the warmth you emit. What the other stars are doing is not of your concern, as it is your responsibility to light your world.

Stop comparing yourself and your light to the other stars, as in the grand scheme we are equal... the difference is how you light your own world. How you view your light and its importance. Look not to the sky and see yourself as a piece of the constellation, but see yourself as the sun itself... the reason you rise in the morning is the sun rises for you... you make the best of your life... you need to be your reason for waking... Don't be the star to burn out... don't give up, and you'll find your galaxy never lacking.

In your sky... you need to begin to seperate those lights which was out your hopes, dreams, desires and begin to recognize what you wish to light your sky with rather than allowing the norms and the dull to be the ambient light. Single out your stars... and grasp them as they twinkle to fill your vision.

Finally... recognize what will always be there to help you light your sky... what your night sky is empty without... the stars you must recognize, the stars of your life... those which may be lost in the darkness at times, lost in the brightness at others, but always shine for you. Dag Hammarskjold asks you to "Pray that your loneliness may spur you into finding something to live for, great enough to die for", be it your career, be it your friends, be it your love. What you find will always be with you... always shining... never faultering. At times, it may flicker... but don't lose hope... as it will never leave... and will shine for you as strongly as you allow yourself to single them out in your sky.

What's in your night sky...?

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