Wednesday, March 28, 2007


As said by Albert Einstein:

Firstly, "Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love." and secondly, "How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love?"

In our lives, as humans, we experience emotions; sadness, anger, desire, hope, pain, happiness. How we allow them to control us and to what extent is usually occurs by choice. We choose to let our anger take over, we choose to overcome our sadness, we fufill our desire. What we cannot control is our love.

We have the ability to prioritize in our life our values and the size of the role in which each portion may consume our lives; friendship, wealth, occupation and otherwise. However, we can control how much we value money... but love is something that can consume us in ways unimaginable.

We neither choose who we love, or understand the reasons why. True love lacks any definition and follows no direct route and is completely unavoidable, hitting at the most random of times. Though we can choose to lose sleep over our occupations, or stay up late angry; trying to fall asleep pained by an unreturned love, lost love or shattered love hits every emotion imaginable and suddenly sleep has lost all priority, and it is not by choice. Like our feet lack the ability to fight gravity... us as humans lack the ability to fight love.

Those lucky enough to experience it and understand it should embrace it rather than attempt to fight the inevitable. There is no way to explain it as Einstein says in terms of science and nature, love brings on a variety of feelings on the spectrum and each and every piece should not be ignored. Though at times it may hurt... having experience the pleasure that love has the potential to give provides a value to live on a scale no other emotion can even graze.

Love hurts. It is undeniable, when it hurts, it kills... at times literally, as there is no fighting it, there is no hiding it and the pain of heartache is one which is incomparable. However, finding love and having it returned is a feeling beyond pleasure, explanations or dreams. Love is comperable to the rose in which represents love, holding all the beauty in the world when blossomed, however, wielding the thorns which may not only prick with pain but leave behind a cut at times so deep, it will scar and be unforgettable. The vision itself of love is so perfect, often so unique and so intriguing, it is one which captures your heart, your body and your soul. That amazing feeling love can provide... is one only true love can show you... and when experienced, you will know. The image of the rose will be one burned into your mind, one no photograph can capture, but your memory can develop perpetually such that nothing else enters your thoughts.

When you have love you will hold it tightly, afraid to let go... but holding on the thorns so tightly will allow your blood to flow... the wounds will be fresh, deep and pained... unfortunately, this pain continues unless someone's love is given to you to ensure that rose lives... its when you release that rose, does it hurt the most... leaving you vulnerable... and looking at yourself helplessly as you let yourself seep away, waiting for a bandage who only one can place on you...

So what do you do when you fall in love... what do you do when you see love... what do you do when you touch love?

Do what your heart tells you... either embrace the image... or let go while the injury is small... a prick will sting... but once you've clutched it... it will be something which will hurt for a long time... and definitely scar. Only healed by the one who placed the rose in your hand... sometimes the wait is lengthly... but sometimes that is the only cure... the pain is one which is enough to drive many insane... so should you believe you felt the prick... don't wait for the wound to open... because sometimes... the pain is one you cannot fight.

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