Sunday, September 09, 2007


“Nothing average ever stood as a monument to progress. When progress is looking for a partner it doesn't turn to those who believe they are only average. It turns instead to those who are forever searching and striving to become the best they possibly can. If we seek the average level we cannot hope to achieve a high level of success. Our only hope is to avoid being a failure.”

-A. Lou Vickery

Don't ever look at the average, don't ever settle for average, and never settle for mediocrity. As Vickery once said, if we seek the average level we cannot hope to achieve a high level of success.

What we surround ourselves with, in people, and in environment it will inevitably affect our nature. It is up to us to surround us with the things we desire, strive to attain them and come to motivate ourselves. We need to surround ourselves with those expectations we wish for ourselves and surround us with the supports which will aid us in the journey to success.

To be great means believing in forever. To be strong means waiting forever. To strive to succeed. To never have enough... to be greedy... to never be stingy, to never be shy, to never be done. To always know that there is more... to understand you're never perfect. To know that you can never love someone too much... to know that you can never be too thankful... and you can never value someone too much. It is those who believe in forever, it is those who wish to eternalize themselves and leave a legacy, a memory and something for others to strive towards; it is those who succeed.

When we are dead and gone, our bodies leave, our assets hold no worth, it is but our legacy that remains; our memory, our hope, our love and our strength. It is what we shall be remembered for. It is that which lasts forever. My friendships, my love, my hope, my wishes and my expectations of myself and those around me. Everyday we must strive to achieve what is forever.

Though diamonds are "forever" even they break down, little by little, however, understand the dictionary defines forever as for a limitless time, at all times, synonymous to always... mathematically, limitless is infinity. Something which lasts forever, and is in turn infinite should be your spirit's journey to success... your heart's love... your soul's friendship... things which will never falter. These are things that should not be undermined, should not be compromised and should never be settled for.

Do not settle for average... not in your friends, not in your career and not in your life. Average is something that blends in... just part of the norm. Do not settle as a statistic... but be infinite. Be infinite in your friendship and your love, as then you shall be remembered that way... and realize that those you offer this to... you should understand the commitment you make... to love them, support them endlessly, this is the biggest accomplishment of all... to issue someone forever means that in the end... you will continue to be there... as you are that one, who is more than average... and you are that one who will give them more than you have and more... as what you give to them is never enough. What you offer, what you are willing to do is infinite, as who they are to you, is infinite, immeasurable and something which has changed you forever.

1 comment:

Kody said...

*sighs. I believe in working all I can, saving all I can, and giving as much as I can. I tolerate imperfection for others, but I don't keep it for myself. There is no try- do, or do not. But this forever concept doesn't fit with me. I think there was a Big Bang, and it'll end with the Big Rip. But again, I know that my life is what I make it, but there isn't quite a ceteris paribus in life.