Thursday, August 23, 2007


“There are no extra pieces in the universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a place to fill, and every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle.”

-Deepak Chopra

Some puzzles are $24.99, 1000 pieces, with a picture as a guide. All of us are part of puzzles... like Deepak Chopra says, pieces of the universe and it's master puzzle... however, all of us have our own puzzles... featuring mosaic pictures of our lives and everything encountered in them... unfortunately, often we never find all the pieces and we're not as easily completed, as even we dont know the whole picture and in this puzzle... nothing is definitive, and the cost is definitely beyond grasp.

We often find it difficult to find our own place in that puzzle of the universe, as at the same time we're struggling to make the pieces connect in our lives... unless we're at peace with our position in our own puzzles, we'll never find a place in society... never will we fit into the bigger picture. It is important that we sort out what is right in front of us before we jump to greater bigger things further out of our grasp and control.

Unfortunately, life's puzzle for us is done as we go along, no guide, no goal, no definitive destination... and often pieces are missing... and we never see the picture... as we build our life's puzzles with mosiacs and snapshots. Every image counts, documented in our memories and they are forever part of ourselves. It is up to you to take the shots worth remembering... and paint your picture with colors you wish to remember; sharp, vivid and memorable. You make sure those are the pieces you want... the memories you wish to keep and the decisions you will make.

Sometimes however... pieces fall into our hands... occasionally too many and we juggle them... grasp them... and toss them aside time and time again, though we know they fit somewhere in the puzzle we pick them up... toss them away... looking for the obvious pieces, the borders... what's seen outside the picture... lining holding what's so much more, but reality is, its the tough pieces that fit inside the picture... its the inside that counts. Not often are the border pieces missing, but its the inside of the picture... the parts where its so obvious when the pieces are missing... and how it hurts, how it burns and how it disturbs the picture when those pieces are missing the gaps in the picture break what could be beautiful, shatter what could be so perfect.

Everything that walks into your life... is meant to be part of your puzzle... take it as it comes and put the piece where it fits... don't avoid it... don't toss it around... and don't push it aside... theres a place for it... it fits... and let it build your mosiac, let it be part of your puzzle... if you lose those pieces... it will be just another gap... another part of you you've missed out on... and a emptiness nothing can fill... as those parts... those memories are unique and irreplaceable.

Don't let your place in the universe alter how you think of life... and how you think you should live to fit the great plan, as the universe's puzzle is made of billions of pieces, is much more versatile and in the big picture of no concern to you. Enjoy and ensure that the image you're building is one worth framing, one that you'll look back at every piece and remember and relive... don't let your puzzle be filled with gaps of regret and pieces you've thrown away... because when those pieces are one of a million... odds are you'll never find it again.

Thank you to those who've slid into my life... and found their place in my puzzle... thanks to those who make my picture so much more beautiful, and thank YOU for coming into my life and making it worth remembering... I know that you specifically have an important place in this picture... a big part of it... I'm tired of juggling the pieces... tired of throwing them away... and I assure your portion is permanent, as I'd never want to risk leaving that portion blank... I can't keep my eyes and my mind off of it.

1 comment:

Kody said...

You're welcome.

But I don't agree. Atomically, we are connected to the Universe. Atoms have a dense core, and an electron cloud is mostly empty space. Meaning the universe is mostly empty space. Just because there is empty space doesn't always mean it needs to be filled.

I don't believe everything happens for a reason. Happenings happen, anyway.

But you're right, losing too many 'puzzle pieces' would be bad. I just like to think that the puzzle pieces I reject are indeed the wrong piece to my puzzle. dd=