Thursday, February 23, 2006

66 Remaining.

I know you believe me when I say I care. I know you doubt me when I say "I love you". And thats typical. Words are nothing to grab onto, but trust me. My hands are always there for you to take. I'm sorry I've not always been there but I hope you understand when I say my shoulder always has been there. Back turned or eyes closed, my shoulders are there for you to cry on, I've been there for you to lean on and as much as you dont believe it, my ears are open and I can hear you. I will listen. I only wish that someone would do the same...

People now are becoming more and more independent, more and more "individual" and overall more cold. I've always been the cold one, but I see the fault. Dont be so cold. Words are cheap; therefore you should have no trouble saying something nice. Time is money, yes; but you cant take money with you. You can however take the time out of your day to make someone elses better, and hopefully, they can take that with them... Your thoughts carry me. Your words lift me. Your prayers dont fall on deaf ears. I hear you, and someday I wish I could make them all come true. I'm only human. I'm no god, but as much as you wish to make me happy, I wish for your hopes and dreams to become a reality. Trust me, the whole world isnt out to get you, and someone out there does love you. Warm up. In the end, we need each other.

Value your friends, and take words for what they are. Though sometimes the person you're with may seem empty, you're what fills them. You make each other whole. Don't stand alone. Strength comes in numbers. Be content. Be happy. Make me happy.

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