Sunday, March 05, 2006

56 Remaining.

Close to me, close to you? Close to nothing. Why is it so hard to get to close to someone? Sometimes, its because you're afraid to hurt them... How do porcupines for example get close to each other. Do they get close to each other? With so many quills, so many sharp points, would getting close just hurt the other...? Realization is that if you're careful, and slow like the porcupines, odds are you wont hurt each other. Take things slow... don't rush things and realize that in the end you could hurt each other, that's the risk you take. In the end the risk might pay off... without this risk, you'll never know what it'll be like. So take the lumps with the mashed potatoes as the saying goes and let what comes come. Come what may.

Why don't I follow my own advice? Probably has something to do with the fact that most of it is unrealistic and lacks practicality. Easily said, hard to do. When I've built my own barrier; when I've been so isolated. When I've never truly understood warmth, and learned to live without; it seems like something foreign, pleasant but confusing... and even scary. Maybe someday I'll realize that I should accept it as it comes, because someday it just might not be there. Lean while I can before what's supporting me is no longer there... and take what I'm offered before its taken away.

Song of the day:

Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman in Moulin Rouge - Come What May

Never knew I could feel like this, like I've never seen the sky before...

1 comment:

lili said...

If something is real, it will never be taken away. Just accept things the way they are. Live for the momment. If things happen because you lived for the momment, then you can deal with it. But don't over think, accept. sometimes that is better. But always remember to live for yourself and not for others. Your life is your's and your's alone as is your choices and decisions.