Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Hope is found in many places… be it faith, be it love, be it family, be it friends… Regardless of religion, regardless of financial situation, race or age there are common threads which tie together the values applicable to every man, and therefore thank God and every other entity who has instilled hope in a human life in order to make the days shorter… to make the days easier and the world better.

Some days we must ask ourselves, what exactly is hope and where can it be found? Be not the entity, be not a god, be not a savior, be not a hero… instill faith… provide hope…

Hope is not seen, not tasted, or heard… however, it may be touched, found and experienced. It may be recognized as a necessity; food for the soul which you can provide, clothes which may shield from cold, and a roof to stop the rain… as easy as it is to provide hope its just as easy to steal it… take it away… and break it… breaking hope.. you break dreams… reality and so much more…

Realizing the importance of hope, it is our obligation to do our best to provide hope as much as we desire to seek it. In order to fight disadvantages, to fight inequality and disparity, hope can be provided in the form of words or gestures… it is beyond our understanding what speech, text or a hug may mean.

In order to provide hope, we must understand the difference between attempting to provide a vision of the future to one who is lost as opposed to “help” by producing pseudo-sympathy by giving pity.

It is up to you to hope… hope more… and hope for a better future to build the homes of the future, provide the nourishment for the soul and not only clothe but protect. By protecting, we’re not censoring but giving those a chance to overcome the adversity which were not by choice but by fate.

Should you be fortunate enough to find hope, should be fortunate enough to find shelter from the storm, or food to fight the hunger… then it is your obligation as a human… to share and to turn the world with gears armed with teeth which are made from your desire to help. Your compassion, your vision… and your desire to make a change is what empowers you… these are the things which are provided to you as tools to attempt to fix the jagged edges of inequality and the cold rain of which often takes away the warmth… and hides the tears which those have gotten used to feeling, though we have failed to see them... it is our chance now… to wipe those tears… and provide hope in any way possible.

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